When you finally get a chance to strip yourself FREE! And mold  yourself, into who you were suppose to be! EVERYTHING else will DROP to its knees. And you will be at PEACE! At a place where no ONE can find you,  but inside of you there's a NEW melody! A sound soo SWEET To the ears, that the Ancestors in Angels will envy you, Not for what you have but for this NEW joy! of ABUNDANCE  thats crossed your PATH! For the mirror that you've PAINTED of yourself on this TAINTED glass! For the POWER! that you're feeling, will forever LAST! for all the time you let PASS! Which helped mold you into this UNBREAKABLE task. The test of self love, and SELF ACCEPTANCE! the only trail that will get you a pass, Into the world of the question never asked, why are you so opened armed to your PAST?? And the answer will be , Because I let it TARNISH me into who I was suppose to BE the " "KING" "QUEEN" IN ME!  By "QUEENDOM" Come!     *Neche